Running under the sun



It’s already August! July has been so hot here in Saskatoon with the high temperature of 30C°+! It would’ve been even more summer-like if only I sweated like rain and heard the sound of Cicada. It’s challenging to run under the hot sun, but I’d like to run outside as often as I can since this hot weather won’t stay long.




I’ve started to do running workout twice a week since April. I do interval run and tempo run with jogging in between. That made such a big difference in my running routine that I continued during the winter with Easy pace long running in order to increase capillary density. Running has become more enjoyable.

I’ve read somewhere that I might not need to do those workouts since I’m not a fast runner who can run full marathon under 3 hours. But I think it was beneficial to me since I feel it strengthen my heart and legs. I just have to figure out myself since I don’t have a coach like any other runners.



July was my birthday month. I looked back the year that I spent thinking of what I haven’t done yet. There are always somethings I haven’t tried enough and something I should improve. Even though I have more wrinkles on my face and I get tired easily, I feel more comfortable with myself compared to when I was young. I hope I can keep on running even when I become a grandmother!


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