Extreme Cold Warning

The extreme cold lasted for over two weeks since Christmas Eve here in Saskatoon. At one point, day time temperature dropped to -38°C. It was colder than Cape Columbia, Nunavut - the closest point to the North Pole in Canada. Therefore, I had to go check out how cold it would be!

I knew from previous experiences in winter that north of the Saskatoon was the place to visit - undeveloped area near Northeast Swale, where awaits untouched vast field. As I was hoping for, the snow formed beautiful waves!! How beautiful and magnificent are they!

クリスマスイブから二週間以上続いた極寒の日々。一時は日中の気温が−38°Cまで下がりました。カナダで一番北極に近いポイント、ケープ コロンビアより寒かったようです。そうなったら、やっぱりどんなんか気になるでしょ?笑

去年の経験から、サスカトゥーン市北部、Northeast Swale が一番野性的なエリアなので行ってみることにしました。予想通り、そこには美しい雪の波が!まだ夜明け前の青い空とのコントラストはかなり魅惑的でした!その後、その雪の波を登山用語でシュカブラというと知りました。ノルウェー語をもじった言葉のようです。

On New Year’s day, I went to the trails by the Saskatchewan River hoping to see the first Sunrise over the river mist. When a temperature drops and meets the perfect environment, river mist rises higher and higher. The temperature then was -35 and slightly cloudy, but otherwise perfect condition. The ski goggles sure helped to keep the skin around my eyes. I was initially in Lawson Heights area, but the mist was not forming as high as I was hoping for since the river around the area was covered with snow. So I moved to the foot bridge when the Sun rose higher. I climbed up the stairs to see the river mist rose to the top. The view was mystical!


The river mist and sunrise from the top of the foot bridge in Saskatoon on New Year’s day, 2022.

Japanese news explaining how flicking cold it was in Saskatchewan in 2021

Japanese news reporting how fricking cold it was in Saskatchewan in 2021.

The extreme cold this winter was news worthy enough to be on the Japanese national news. Even though the winter here is the harshest I have ever experienced, I feel lucky to be able to see the nature’s artwork only possible in this climate!



Pandemic Art


the dark clouds